Today I thought I’d start off by posing the above question. Obviously, there are many more answers to this question but thought it would get a conversation started.
Of course, the meaning of the phrase “better people” is highly subjective and I deliberately do not define it. This question, “Can science make us better people?” is a very important one at this time when we consider the following:
Insanity or mental illness as a defense for crime – I’m sure you can recall a news story or case where a core part of a defendant’s case is that they should be treated leniently due to a chemical imbalance or condition whereby they can claim something else made them do it and they are not responsible.
Longevity – despite amazing advances in medical technology which means we live longer and no longer die of diseases like smallpox, the question is what we are using our extended longevity for? At the end of all those extra years, are we better people? Or do merely add extra years of work or pleasure for pleasure’s sake?
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